Assisted Living At Home - Finding Money For Senior Care
This column supports the ever-changing needs and demands of family caregiving.
Thank you for the privilege of your time in being a faithful reader. The ever-changing needs inspire the ASSISTED LIVING AT HOME advice column of caregiving families.
As an expert in chronic illness care at home and experience having been a caregiver myself, I recognize that nothing is simple and no decision
is easy with caregiving. Last time, we discussed incorporating Tranquility incontinence products for someone with dementia who is struggling with change. In previous weeks, we've discussed the challenges of family caregiving.
Here is a TRUTH; if funding care were not an issue, most older adults would elect to remain in their homes. However, sometimes being at home is not the safest nor psychosocially healthiest option.
When you know how much care is needed and how much money can be budgeted for care, it makes it a little easier to help an aging loved one to live in the community of their choice. That leads me to the big questions of WHO PAYS FOR CARE, AND HOW DO SENIORS FIND MONEY FOR CARE?
A: Eighty percent of all care in America is provided in the community. By community, I mean outside of a nursing home or assisted living facility. In the community, care can be provided by family members, private caregivers, private pay home care agencies, adult days care centers, Medicaid-funded home care providers, and skilled therapy. Medicaid pays for home care for those who meet the financial eligibility. Medicare pays for skilled care and hospice. The Veteran Administration pays for some care and provides some eligibility-based pensions that can be used to pay for care.
If you are not sure about the kind of care that is appropriate for your loved one, contact ComfortMakers, and I will provide a free level of care assessment. Once you determine the type of care needed, it becomes a little easier to plan and set up care for a loved one.
Funding care is such an important issue that we created a special report titled, "5 PLACES TO GET MONEY FOR CARE." If you would like a free copy, please call, 503-369-2460 or email us to request your copy of the report.
Until next time, take care of yourself and stay safe.