When family caregiving follows you to work. Part 2 of 9
A nine-part series for family caregivers and employers. When family caregiving roles conflict with work and career obligations
Part two of nine: Last time, I started a series from questions that came by email (to the Going Home, Staying weekly virtual session that I cohost with other geriatric experts) from the CFO and some of his employees who are also caring for loved ones.
Q: When my mom is coming home from a skilled rehab facility after being in the hospital, what services do I need in place?
A: Those who go back home after rehab (85% do not go back home) often have a different level of care (new medications, therapy, sometimes new equipment is needed), so having a good plan of care is critical to preventing a return to acute care, lowering cost and improving the quality of life of your mother. Services your mom would need are; in-home caregivers, skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy and counseling. On the surface, counseling might not seem necessary, but it is critical because your dad suffers from Leukemia, your mother is his primary caregiver and she collapsed recently (who would care for your dad if your mother becomes sicker), so your parents need counseling to deal with all the adjustments in their lives. Stress and depression are barriers to wellness. Here are the three steps you need to take to prepare for your mother’s safe return home and a speedy recovery;
Ask for a discharge planning meeting with the social worker/discharge planner at the rehab to ask questions about her level of care (is she independent with her activities of daily living, can she transfer safely without assistance, does she need an assistive device etc.) and her discharge instructions.
Retain a geriatric care manager to design a plan of care after identifying their (include your dad’s care in the plan) care needs.
Have the care manager establish wellness goals and coordinate the Medicare skilled nursing, physical and occupational therapies.
If I can be of assistance in this situation, please call or email me.
– Katie